Saturday, October 31, 2009

Reflection: A New Mind-Set

Before this class, I had only ever heard of podcasts, wikis, and blogs, but had never used them myself. Throughout the duration of this class, I have not only learned how to use these Web 2.0 tools, but have also learned different ways to incorporate them into my teaching. I have learned the benefits of using these tools as well as how to collaborate successfully with other students across the country without ever meeting face to face.

Throughout this class, I have really learned about how much teaching has evolved over time. With the introduction of the “Information Age” (Laureate, 2008) the teaching and learning process has begun to change dynamically with students becoming more independent and not seeing teachers as the sole provider of information for them. This class has helped me to see that the teacher’s roles have changed and we need to continue to be a guide for students however in a different way. Rather than filling students’ heads with knowledge from lectures and textbooks, we can serve as facilitators and leaders for students to discover the knowledge on their own. It has become student-centered learning rather than teacher-centered. From this class, I have learned to let students have a part in their learning and that there is more of an energy and enthusiasm for learning when students are able to take ownership in their work.

I feel that technology has become an essential part of our society and we must embrace it as it enters our classrooms. As a teacher, I feel that through professional development in the areas of technology and its integration into our classrooms, we can learn so much about creating lessons which incorporate Web 2.0 tools and allow students to have to skills for the 21st Century. Students have a different way of learning than they have had in the past and we must adjust our teaching styles to accommodate for our new learners.

One goal that I have for myself in order to transform my classroom environment and prepare for 21st century learning, it to become a lifelong learner myself. I think that taking the time to attend professional development sessions and learning perhaps one new skill related to technology, such as how to create your own class webpage, then this information can be relayed to other teachers you work with. Then you are a lifelong learner as well as a lifelong teacher. A second goal that I have really taking the time to discover ways of learning that interest my students. I can do this through talking with them and discussing ways that together we can make our learning better. In this student-centered education age, I feel that it is important to bring them into their learning and as a facilitator, expose them to new tools in technology (Smart Boards, wikis, blogs, podcasts…) so that together we can enhance our learning and prepare ourselves for future learning experiences.

Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2008). Understanding the impact of technology on education, work, and society. Baltimore: Author.

Friday, October 9, 2009

My First Podcast

Hello All,

I just finished creating my first podcast! The podcast is for a class at Walden University and I selected three students to ask basic questions about technology. It is definitely something that will take some practice on how to compile data and make the podcast just right but the benefits of being able to use them will be worth it! Enjoy!

My First Podcast!