Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Working on My GAME Plan

I must admit that I have taken some time off from my GAME plan and finding different resources and preparing for the upcoming school year. I have many different resources for the first part of my game plan in many different locations and areas and one of my first steps to be taken would be to compile these sources and information together in one location. In doing this I will be able to organize them and categorize them into a workable format. I have not yet decided how I will organize them (subject, games …) and will have to wait and see when I have all of the sources together. I do think that creating this website will be beneficial to the students that I work with for some I work with for a short time during the school year or over the summer and it will be a good way to stay connected and allow them to continue making progress.

For the second portion of my GAME plan, working on attending more professional development seminars and truly enhancing my knowledge base, I have not made much progress towards this. As the school year begins, more seminars are sent to me and once I have my schedule I can begin to plan on attending more of these. I know that this summer may have been a better time to try and explore these opportunities and work towards attending perhaps one or two, but my schedule did not really allow this. I really think that these presentations and seminars will really be helpful in allowing me to expand my knowledge base and share this information with other teachers so that we can all benefit and establish more productive and exciting classrooms for our students.


  1. Chrissy,

    After looking through our colleagues blog posts this week…. It seems that everyone is at a stand still on their game plans. It is difficult to move forward without a classroom to “test” the game plan. I am also trying to prepare for a new school year! However, I think that compiling and organizing different resources is a great idea and I need to get busy!

    I am also working on attending more professional development seminars on technology. Another idea that may work for you… I am setting up dates to observe other teachers in our area. I think watching how they use new digital technologies in their classroom with personally help me. Maybe this will help you expand your knowledge base and enable you to share the information with other teachers at your school.

    Thanks for your blog post!

  2. Chrissy,
    Do you use or one of the other social bookmarking sites? I have made it one of my best friends! By adding my resource bookmarks and the appropriate tags, Delicious does the rest of the organizing for me. Just a thought...

  3. I have been working on my class wiki which will be a great location for me to organize all my tools and resources that I will use sometime throughout the school year in my class. For all my class activities, I plan to start with instructions from my wiki page and go from there.

  4. Marie,

    I recently set up a account and started using it from time to time. I have heard good things about it and should probably use it more often! Thanks!
