Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Update on My GAME Plan

I have begun to sort through my resources for students in order to organize them effectively in to a wiki space. I have so many sources that are on paper in the form of worksheets or diagrams and I am working on sorting through those as well and will most likely begin to transfer them to the computer either through scanning them or re-typing them into a more workable format. Through the advice of some of my colleagues, I have begun to use a account, though I am not entirely familiar with it, it seems that it will work for me in helping me keep track of different websites that I encounter. These actions that I have taken towards my GAME plan have been effective in my following through with creating a page for students to go to for extra help or practice. In reviewing these sources, I have been revisiting different ideas and information that I can use in the upcoming school year.

As for my professional development portion of my GAME plan, I have been thinking about whether or not I want to familiarize myself with one particular topic such as technology in the classroom seminars or autism seminars, or if I want to attend different seminars in different areas related to my field. I have not figured out if I want to limit myself to one genre in order to become more knowledgeable in an area and share this information with my colleagues or do I want to attend different seminars to gain some more knowledge in a few different areas. I feel that if I did it this way, I would not retain as much information but I also feel that it would help to make for a better rounded base from which to use in my teaching and help to teach others. As more opportunities arise in the upcoming school year, I guess I will make that determination.

1 comment:

  1. I think once you get familiar with Delicious you will see how helpful it is to keep things organized. I have two different Delicious accounts. One for all of the things I find on the Internet that will help me in my classroom and the other one I use to direct my students to certian website that may help them complete classroom assignments. Again I want to wish you luck in meeting your goals.

    Victoria Osborn
